Classroom Tour - June 2019

Every teacher who has a blog seems to eventually post a tour of their classroom. I have quite a few elements in here that sort of "evolved" from my earliest days of teaching. My "Three Classroom Rules" haven't changed in twenty years... But my handling of cellphones is ever-changing.

Some of the resources found in the video:

(1) Office Hours Sign - This is a MS Word document. It is double-sided because my office hours are posted on a window.

(2) Engineering & Science Practices Poster - This one is set up for a single print but you need a larger sheet of paper than the standard 8 1/2 x 11" paper.

(3) S.L.A.N.T. Poster - This one will work best in MS Word. Print the page, then move the giant image LEFT 7 1/2 inches and print again... Then move it UP 10 1/2 inches and print.... then move it RIGHT again to get the final print. (Here are a ton of other SLANT posters.)

(4) Cellphone Poster - Reasons for not using your cellphone (Print on large poster paper)

(5) Classroom Rules Poster - You will likely need to edit it for your own use.

(6) Dr. Seuss Poster - You have to save various files and print them in color separately. Then I cut them out and taped them together with invisible tape.

Note: This year I attempted to use the Standards Board such that I would change the details on the board on an almost daily basis to reflect the SEP, CCC, the DCIs and the PE of the day... This required a LOT of print work.... In the end the work was NOT worth it. The details were too, um... DETAILED for the students to follow. I do NOT recommend posting all of these every day.
