Halloween Theme: Zombies !

(Audio supplement available at the end of this post)

This was Halloween 2011. For a few of us it was probably the most REALISTIC set of costumes that we have done to date. Besides costume designs, it depended heavily upon make-up use.

My outfit was so, um, scary, that when the above photo was added to the yearbook they cut me out of the photo all-together. I think they thought there was too much blood and wounds?

My wife had the task of shaving my head. This was the first time I have had a mow-hawk.Liz was nervous at first, but then I think she started to enjoy it a bit too much as more and more of the hair begun to fall off. I did have her leave some of the short hair in a patch on one side so that I could attach the clotting blood.

The make up was probably the most interesting part of the costume. I have never done any straight-up make up effect like this before. I was very happy with the results. (There was some white make up on my arms.. but I probably should have put some on my neck as well.) The portion around the eyes was particularly... frightening.
The "punk" jacket I had left over from an earlier Halloween. I'll show more details on that item in another post. I had a demolition hammer laying around in my garage that I added a bit of blood to, to complete the effect.
