Real Words - A Tale from the Classroom

Language shapes the way we think, and determines what we can think about.

- Benjamin Lee Whorf

Conversation in my 9th/10th grade Biology Class:

Rosa: Mr. Colby, how come you have to use complicated words like "urine" and "excretion" to describe things? Why can't you use REAL words like "pee" or "poo" ?

Mr. Colby: Um, Rosa, those ARE real words. In Science we like to use proper words to make sure we are accurate when expressing our thoughts. This is not kindergarten, so we do not use "baby" words.

Rosa: Do you use words like "excretion" and "urine" with your daughter?

Mr. Colby: No. My daughter is only FOUR years old.... SHE uses words like "pee" and "poo." 😁
