Department Halloween Themes
Here are another handful of themes we have done. None of these really deserves its own separate post, but they are interesting none-the-less.
2002 |
Our very first Halloween just three of us dressed up. This was Lord Of The Rings. I sort of carved a bow out of some wood and made some arrows and a quiver. The quiver took the most time. Was a valiant effort but the overall effect was quite.... dorky.
2003 |
Our next attempt was Star Trek. The kids didn't even know who Spock was. (Um, this was Spock from Star Trek IV - The Voyage Home, in which the crew travels back in time to capture a representative of the most intelligent species on Earth, a blue whale, to bring back to the normal time to save the planet.)
2007 |
This year it was Superheros. I was Mr. Fantastic with a stretchy arm.
2009 |
This year was Alice in Wonderland.
2010 |
This year was "Bees".... From Left-to-Right: (A) Carpenter Bee, (B) Honey Bee, (C) Wanna-Bee (the kids get it!), (D) Queen Bee, (E) Worker Bee, and (F) Killer Bee
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